Friday, June 15, 2012

Digital books for money or for free

I get emails from Logos on a regular basis advertising “new” books that are on their community pricing. I have yet to see a work that was not already available online for free so I figured I would let you in on my little secret. Every time Logos sends me a community pricing advertisement I check online. The latest edition is the 6 Volume William Cowper collectionWilly was an English poet from the 1700’s see his wikipedia entry for fast and possibly loose information about him. 

There are 3 distinct works:

What's the difference? With the Logos edition you get to read it on Logos along with all of their built in resources like dictionaries and searches. With the links provided above you get an extra $35 to spend on Slim Jims. For me the choice is easy.
Cowper says save your dough for the Slim Jims!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Geo Camping

Sam Crook, Kevin Seeger and I decided to push the Geo to her limits the other weekend. It took all three cylinders giving everything they had for Tabbi (that's my Geo's name) to make it up some of the steep hills. At one point Sam and Kevin had to get out and push or else we would not have made it. Below is a short film I made to memorialize our trip. May adventure live on in your heart wherever you find yourself and may you find yourself wherever there is adventure to be had.